Did you know ShowingTime products are used by more than 950,000 real estate professionals in the U.S. and Canada for a wide range of business needs? While their needs are diverse, we do receive some common questions more frequently than others. We thought it would be helpful to put together a brief FAQ with answers to some questions we received in the last month.

Of course, this FAQ only scratches the surface of the resources ShowingTime users have at their disposal. As always, our Resources page is an excellent first stop for any questions or insights into ShowingTime services. Our Support team is also available seven days a week by phone, email or live chat. For contact information and hours of availability, click here.

Can I view the activities and history from older listings?


When one of your older listings is off the market, it can be archived, either automatically or manually. Each listing’s history remains attached to that listing. To view the history, all you have to do is reactivate it. (This doesn’t mean it’s back on the market! It’s just a step to take to view the history.)


What if I don’t want to receive a notification call when an appointment is confirmed?

You’re in luck! We have settings that allow you to limit notification calls – also known as ShowingVoice – to only if/when you want them; for example when a showing has been declined or cancelled. Of course, you can still have notifications delivered via email, text or push notification.

Please Note: Changing settings for notifications will not affect appointments already in progress.

Can I share the showing agent’s details with my listing contacts?


From the Listing Worksheet, you can choose to share the showing agent details with all the contacts on the listing. You’ll have four options to display or hide this information:

Click here to view more details.

Are you a real estate professional looking for tools that will save you time and money? Learn how the ShowingTime Appointment Center can free up your time to focus on other tasks to grow your business.