ShowingTime Showing Index®
A Leading Indicator of Current and Future Demand Trends in the Real Estate Industry
January 2023
Showing traffic declined again throughout the country to begin 2023, according to the ShowingTime Showing Index®. For a look at daily showing data at the state/province level, click here.
Northeast Region
Midwest Region
January home showing traffic dropped by 24.3% nationwide year over year, according to the ShowingTime Showing Index.
The Northeast’s dip of 16.4% in buyer demand last month year over year was again the smallest of the regional drops, followed closely by the Midwest’s decline of 22.1%. The South itself experienced a 31.3% dip last month, with the West’s 52% decline rounding out the regional activity.
The ShowingTime Showing Index® tracks the average number of buyer showings on active residential properties on a monthly basis, a highly reliable leading indicator of current and future demand trends.
Our national and regional indices – seen as quadrants on a map of the United States above – are computed based on a representative sample of more than 100,000 listings from 25 local markets across the United States. Our methodology focuses on properties listed by agents subscribing to ShowingTime’s full appointment management solutions at the agent and office levels.
It includes all buyer showing appointments requested or logged across all ShowingTime systems including ShowingTime for the MLS, ShowingTime Front Desk and the ShowingTime Appointment Center.
We’re also developing localized versions of the Showing Index, which will be available in certain MLS markets.
“The best in the country in showing statistics.”
Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist, National Association of REALTORS®