ShowingTime Blog – Agents
News, tips and insights for real estate agents looking to stay up to date on the latest residential real estate trends.
Calculating Showing Management Costs
MLSs, associations, real estate offices, brokers and agents are all involved in showings in some way. But how much are showing management costs?
“I Would Never Use A Showing Appointment Service …”
One of the great things about residential real estate is that agents can decide how to run their businesses. You can plan your schedule based on other commitments, which is harder to do in a traditional 9-5 job.
The Inside Scoop on “Life of The Listing” Plans
One common program appointment services offer is called Life of the Listing, meaning you can pay one price for a listing, and the service will schedule showings on that listing until you sell it.
How Do I Get Real Estate Agents to Give Me Showing Feedback?
Sometimes, getting showing feedback after an appointment is the most difficult task residential real estate listing agents face. What can you do?
Happy New Year, of Course
At ShowingTime, we’re committed to doing the things that make showing appointment scheduling a second thought. Whether for an MLS, an Association, an office, or an agent, it’s about providing ways to make the scheduling process quick and not a hassle, so listings can be sold fast.