There never seems to be enough time in a day to get through everything you intend to. You may have a “to-do list” with six crucial tasks to get done, which could be anything from writing marketing materials, to running reports on your listings, to checking in on a lead about a potential new listing.

However, at the end of the day, you may have only gotten to a few of these things because you were also playing phone tag scheduling showings, preparing and sending out feedback emails (or calling to get feedback), or other tasks we like to call “blocking and tackling” in our office.

These are the seemingly endless, yet necessary, tasks that come up every day, and while they don’t require much thought or effort, they can be quite time consuming.

A Log of Your Activities

It would be an interesting and helpful time management exercise to time stamp all the tasks you do by the minute, including lunch, bathroom breaks, and getting coffee/water.

Doing this for a day – or even a whole week – may surprise you. A few of us did this in our office, and we were amazed at how our time got swallowed up by tasks we hadn’t even planned to work on. No one is immune; at times, all of us get overwhelmed by too many things to do.

For agents, it could be an eye opener to log how much time you spend on items that probably won’t  a.) get you new listings or b.) help you close sales quicker. There’s no question your intentions are good; the log will reveal how effective you are on execution.

Is an Assistant the Answer?

While you may have an assistant, many agents can’t justify the cost when they may only need help during busy periods. On the other hand, having tools and resources that present you in the best possible light might be worth the investment.

Using a professional appointment center is one route many agents choose to achieve more. It allows them to hand off much of the “blocking and tackling” at a price that’s a fraction of the cost of a full-, or even part-time employee.

In addition to taking all your calls and scheduling showings for you, an appointment center keeps track of all your activity and generates useful reports that will help you make decisions on listings, and give you solid data to market yourself to win future listings.

Even though using an appointment center is an investment, the minimal cost is justified by the amount of time you gain to work on higher impact tasks that will help you reach your goals.

Do you spend too much of your day scheduling and confirming showing appointments? Learn how the ShowingTime Appointment Center helps free up your time to focus on other tasks to grow your business.