Showing management technology is used daily by top real estate professionals throughout the U.S. and Canada to significantly streamline their businesses. For them, the introduction of technology to help manage showings was a game-changer, offering an alternative to what can be a complex, time-consuming process.

There are, however, some who remain unconvinced about the value of the technology. ShowingTime has been a leading provider of showing management technology since 1999, and when you’ve been in the industry for as long as we have, it’s inevitable that you’ll hear a few recurring misconceptions about using technology to manage showings.

To provide some clarity on how showing management is helping real estate professionals introduce efficiencies into their operations, we’ve highlighted the truth around four common misconceptions in our aptly-titled guide, Debunking 4 Misconceptions About Showing Management Technology.

To download your copy of this guide, click the image below.